Special Mentions

The Artistic Director has awarded Special Mentions to the 6 films listed below that have contributed to the better understanding of important issues related to human rights, peace and justice. The directors of these films will be granted Certificates of Merit.


Home by Jessica Harris, 2012, 5’ 19”


Weisst du, was ich mir wünsche? by Irina Arms, 2012, 17’ 28”


More Than Two Hours by Ali Asgari, 2013, 15’


Le croci di Malta by Gilberto Mastromatteo, Giuseppe Bucca, Enzo Dimasi and Loris Zamparelli, 2008, 25’

Memorial by Francesco Filippi, 2013, 10’

Saharawi donna, dall’esilio alla Repubblica by Fiorella Bendoni, 2008, 20’


The Tale of the Wall Habitants by Andrej Boka, 2012, 16’


The Red Carpet by Manuel Fernández & Iosu López, 2012, 11’ 45”