The films selected having water rights themes
-Acqua chit ven - Sorgenti e correnti d’Appennino by Elisa Mereghetti & Marco Mensa, 2013, 47’
-Aqua by Maria Manfredi, 2013, 1’ 01”
-Costruire amore - Farfalla che porta acqua e speranza by Luca Trovellesi Cesana, 2013, 30’
-Il padre by Riccardo Banfi, 2014, 4’
-Lucciole per lanterne by Stefano & Mario Martone, 2013, 44’
-The Well - Voci d’Acqua dall’Etiopia by Riccardo Russo, 2011, 56’
"Water Rights" Special Award for the Best Film
Special award (ex-aequo) for the following films:
-Costruire amore - Farfalla che porta acqua e speranza by Luca Trovellesi Cesana, 2013, 30’
-Il padre by Riccardo Banfi, 2014, 4’